Saturday, 28 March 2015

The Past

Good Afternoon!!

I have had a great day today! Hope your day well as great as mine?
Sadly I did not take any pictures, as my day just consisted of a catch up session with my friend :)

I am very lucky to have still kept in contact with a good bunch of people in the UK, as I think if I had not moved to New Zealand, I may not still be as close as I to them now.

My favourite friendships are the ones with history. I have just recently met up with a friend I had when I was 5 and it was amazing! She and I were my pen pal for years after we had both moved countries and I so happy we have both made the effort to still keep in contact! It takes two!!!

My task for you, is to contact one of your friends or family members from the past.  Either it be to catch up, tell them what a good friend they were, or to apologise. Its good to have someone from your past, It reminds you of where you come from and who you are.

Good Luck  xx

 An old family photo of mine :)

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